The meeting will be livestreamed, and can be viewed at Terracciano said the teachers received overwhelmingly positive responses from the children in the two buddy classes. Servimos a los estudiantes ms talentosos con un potencial ilimitado. . They also learned about the fire trucks and their engines and the tools that firefighters use. They all had an amazing performance in one of the greatest music venues in the world, and we are all very proud of them, Pereira said. Los alumnos del quinto grado de la Escuela Primaria King Street han estado estudiando sobre la Tierra en las clases de ciencias de la maestra Lucille Cappello y han creado un modelo del planeta para ayudarlos a hacer la conexin con sus estudios. Haga clic aqu para tomar la encuesta: Dressed in their Halloween costumes, participants became actors for the evening when they joined the inaugural. El maestro de Ingls Justin Thomas, quien asesora el club con su colega Aaron Glazer, le dieron crdito a la estudiante Shirley Guzmn , quien sirvi como jefa de redaccin, por revivir el peridico con su visin, determinacin y liderazgo. Tambin se les unieron seis estudiantes de ltimo ao de secundaria que piensan asistir a la universidad en otoo. You don't want to miss out. Para ello, los estudiantes tendrn que tener en cuenta los detalles arquitectnicos y las principales caractersticas del medio ambiente que les rodea. Daniel has excellent craftsmanship, and the variety of patterns he used guide the audiences eye around the artwork, art teacher Chrystal Chambers said. Extended learning opportunities: robust after-school and summer learning for all (consider post-COVID needs). Con historias cortas de terror, poemas, arte, fotografas y una resea de videojuegos, los miembros del Club de Escritura Creativa de Port Chester han revitalizado la revista Tamarack Tower, una publicacin de escritura creativa original. Support Mrs. JOHN's classroom with a gift that fosters learning. Les deseo a todos unas vacaciones felices y seguras llenas de alegra y rejuvenecimiento. Please see the flyer for further information and contact your childs school with any questions or to register. Port Chester High School tiene un horario de retraso de 2 horas hoy. Having discussed how they could broaden their acts of kindness from the classroom to the building, teachers said they made a list of different individuals from custodians to the school nurse, principal and assistant principal, lunch monitor and other classrooms to be the recipients of their kindness throughout the holiday season. The school bus is an easy object to draw using this approach, Chambers said. El entrenador David Sheridan dijo: A los estudiantes les encanta la camaradera, o sea la relacin social amistosa y cordial y la oportunidad de conocer otros estudiantes deportistas y competir contra otras escuelas. Los actores y actrices se entremezclaron entre ellos, cumplieron con las actividades que tenan que llevar a cabo e intentaron demostrar de qu manera se cometi el crimen. Los estudiantes de la Escuela Superior de Port Chester participaron recientemente en una actividad de circuito en grupos pequeos para resolver problemas matemticos en la clase de Clculo de Colocacin Avanzada del maestro Anton Raskin. Aprender a tocar en un conjunto de banda es una experiencia esencial como estudiante de msica, dijo Johnson. Lo que ms amo acerca de trabajar en estos dramas es que nosotros podemos ser ms creativos con nuestros escenarios, dijo ella. They will also rehearse winter music, as well as parade tunes, such as the National Emblem byEdwin Eugene Bagley. Thank you for your understanding. Los estudiantes de la Escuela Secundaria de Port Chester, que han estado estudiando los tringulos semejantes en el curso de geometra bilinge del profesor de matemticas, Carlos Gmez, trasladaron lo aprendido fuera del aula para una leccin sobre la medicin indirecta. To learn more about Port Chester School Districts Summer Program 2022, please watch the recording of our live webinar hosted on March 31. Being selected as a violinist to perform at NYSSMA All-State, which is incredibly competitive, is a huge honor for Ben and our district. The series follows a dysfunctional lower-middle-class family and stars Frankie Muniz in the lead role as Malcolm, a child prodigy.The ensemble cast includes Jane Kaczmarek and Bryan Cranston as . Congratulations to our graduating seniors! Thespian Society and Tri-M Music Honor Society to help fund the high school play, musical and other performing arts programs. Tambin los anim para que crearan su propio cohete espacial. Asimismo, han aprendido la multiplicacin y divisin con unidades de 2 hasta 5 y 10. Tambin hablaron de los distintos tipos de tiempo y examinaron las nubes para determinar las condiciones meteorolgicas que les esperaba. As part of the new program, all Port Chester High School seniors will bypass the traditional application process for automatic admission into the college, starting with the Class of 2023. District: Los Angeles Unified. My students would truly benefit from being able to use the tablet to support their learning and to create direct connections with the subject matter. Estimados miembros de la comunidad de Port Chester. Nicolas, estudiante de tercer ao, cre su obra de arte como parte de un proyecto de estudio de los ojos que desafiaba a los estudiantes a desarrollar tcnicas con acuarela y crear un ojo realista. Trujillo, a fourth grader, created his The Jungle with oil pastel after drawing inspiration from jungle paintings by Henry Rousseau. No tendremos ms que unas pocas puertas enrollables y muebles para cada habitacin de Boddy Manor, por lo que realmente se trata de las actuaciones de los actores. Los estudiantes han estado muy emocionados de entregar sus sorpresas cada da. Se espera que cada grupo se rena al menos dos veces este ao. Donations can be sent to the PCHS Marching Band.P.O. A medida que aprendamos ms sobre lo que condujo a este evento, nuevamente evaluaremos cuidadosamente nuestras medidas de seguridad y proteccin para garantizar el entorno ms seguro posible para nuestra comunidad escolar. The students projects showed the wide range of materials and objects that engineers create and just how much they learned from their research. Walter Reed Middle! Kindergartners at Thomas Edison Elementary School meticulously glued colorful paper strips onto another piece of paper to create their own 3D sculptures in teacher Alison Gallaghers art class. Construir colectivamente una nueva cultura: aumentar el tiempo del grupo de expertos, las reuniones del equipo de liderazgo, establecer relaciones, establecer prcticas para la reflexin y los puntos de control a mitad de ao, establecer la coherencia y las expectativas compartidas a travs de la colaboracin, eliminar las barreras para los estudiantes/enfoque del nio en su totalidad: despensa mvil de alimentos y asociaciones comunitarias , prcticas restaurativas/SEL (Aprendizaje Socio-Emocional) y rigor acadmico. As part of the lesson, the students measured the flagpole and the trees around it, as well as the height of the goal posts by the field. magazine listed Port Chester as one of the best places to live!! Port Chester Schools' after-school STEM program for English language learners was launched last year as a four-week initiative in two elementary school buildings. Este tipo de prctica acadmica, la cual supuso el comienzo de nuestra relacin durante el presente ao escolar, no solo desarrolla un sentido de comunidad en nuestra escuela Edison sino que tambin fortalece las habilidades sociales y emocionales de los estudiantes de prvulos y quinto grado. Sessions last six weeks and take place in all four elementary buildings and at the middle school, with 250 students participating and another 10 cohorts starting in May. Performances will be held on Thursday, Dec. 1, Friday, Dec. 2, and Saturday, Dec. 3, at 7 p.m. in the Port Chester Middle School auditorium. De acuerdo al entrenador Sheridan, La Liga Pionera de Port Chester lleva compitiendo en diferentes tipos de deportes interescolares desde el 2009. Please know there are no active threats to our buildings. A great percentage of our students come from low-income homes; this is one of the main reasons why having access to technology in the classroom is so important. Para su publicacin, los estudiantes eligieron el terror como gnero antes de iniciar su proceso de escritura creativa. Las presentaciones se llevarn a cabo el jueves 1 de diciembre, el viernes 2 de diciembre y el sbado 3 de diciembre a las 7 p.m. en el auditorio de la Escuela Intermedia de Port Chester. I dont want to see cookie-cutter projects that represent proficient coding. The Port Chester Board of Education has board advisory committees, and we aim to add a few more opportunities for participation and feedback in the 2022-2023 academic year. A group of 11 Port Chester High School students have been working on their indoor soccer skills as part of the Pioneer League, an interscholastic athletic program for students with special needs. Your promo code has been successfully applied and will be reflected in checkout. Fifth grader Christopher Nivicela said he learned that firefighters volunteer their time to protect their community, and fifth grader Emely Rosario said she learned how to be safe and not go towardthe fire. Then, we discussed their observations and noted that water formed on the outside of the cold cup, and that the water on the outside of the cup comes from the gas in the air.. It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that I write to you. Mi esperanza es que los estudiantes se interesen por la ingeniera. A lo largo del proceso, los escritores contribuyentes enviaron sus historias a los editores para su revisin y revisaron y finalizaron sus piezas. nase a nosotros esta semana virtualmente para aprender del siguiente tema: La familias de la escuela intermedia y la escuela secundaria (6-12): La familias de las escuelas primarias (K-5): Este folleto tiene informacin adicional. They also learned about the science of fluorescent lights before painting their galaxy and universe. A continuacin encontrar un enlace a un comunicado conjunto del Departamento de Salud del Estado de Nueva York y el Departamento de Educacin del Estado de Nueva York sobre los virus respiratorios y una buena higiene. PCMS will be offering the following clubs this year. Throughout the school year, the students will work on articles and interviews covering a wide range of topics from school, sports and town news to opinion editorials and current and global events. Over the next several weeks, the fourth graders will explore the effects of a natural disaster, like a hurricane, and create portable battery-powered classroom materials. Members of Port Chester High Schools a cappella group the Port Chester Sound performed at the seventh annual Youth A Cappella Festival at Mamaroneck High School on Nov. 6. The commitment to page organization was what stood out most in their work, Tamucci said. Port Chester High School students will present Clue as its fall production from Nov. 17-19. LOS ANGELES (CBSLA) A North Hollywood student claims he was discriminated against following the initial reports of coronavirus in China because he is Asian. Having had a one-year prior experience, theyreviewed what they had learned in third grade before practicing on their instruments. He learned about patterns and used cut paper and oil pastels to create the background and cup and saucer, while the steam in his work is painted with tempera paint. Please be advised that there is a convenience fee of 2.35% that will be applied to all payments made with credit cards. Superintendent of Schools Dr. Aurelia Henriquez and Principal Luke Sotherden commended the students for their passion and dedication to the newspaper and applauded their teachers for empowering their students to have a voice. Using indirect measurement and shadows to measure tall objects is an application of similar triangles, Gomez said. This is one of our many fundraisers developed to help cover costs for various performance expenses incurred throughout the year. They measured the height of a yard stick with its shadow. Patrocinado por los Acordes de Westchester, las presentaciones incluyeron grupos de escuelas superiores a capella del Condado de Westchester. Email with any questions, Pages due by JANUARY 6th, no late entries accepted. As a teacher-founded nonprofit, we're trusted by thousands of teachers and supporters across the country. It serves 1599 studentsin 6 - 8 with a student/teacher ratio of 25.8:1.Its teachers have had 158 projects funded on DonorsChoose. We have reported this fake account to the police, and advise you not to send any money or gift cards. We have also started our Academic After School program which runs every Tuesday - Thursday from 2:30-4:30 and provides students with additional support in math, reading, and science. Posteriormente, y con lpices de colores de cera, crearon y disearon lo que podra ser el universo. Walter Reed Middle School is a public school 1,088 individuals from California and The 2022-2023 Port Chester Budget was approved, 1,331 to 316, a better than 4-to-1 margin! They were also encouragedto create their own rocket ship or UFO. John F. Kennedy Elementary School students Daniel Aguilar, Yuri Guaman and Carlos Trujillo have their artworks on display in the virtual New York State Art Teachers Association exhibit. We recommend you upgrade your browser. The meeting will be livestreamed, and can be viewed at, The District is excited to announce the transition to BoardDocs, where Board of Education Meeting agendas and other documents will be posted. Como parte del nuevo programa, todos los estudiantes de ltimo ao de Port Chester High School evitarn el proceso de solicitud tradicional para la admisin automtica a la universidad, comenzando con la Promocin de 2023. Walter Reed Middle School - find test scores, ratings, reviews, and 270 nearby homes for sale at Les he mostrado a muchas de mis amistades, y cada una de ellas ha seleccionado un artculo que piensan que es inspirador o esperanzador o asombroso.. Haga clic aqu para tomar la encuesta: Cada cuerda se reconoce como una letra y por orden de altura son E, A, D y G. Estoy muy emocionada de ver adnde va el Port Light en el futuro, dijo ella. The students saw how the author used the components that make up a narrative, including dialogue, describing the setting in great detail, using details to describe how the character felt and how the character changed, Ferraro said. Thank you. Its SNOW joke!parents of 8th graders- Time is running out to recognize your student with an ad in the 2023 yearbook at Port Chester Middle School. ______________________________________________________________________________. Tambin funciona bien porque las respuestas estn en la pared. School isn't easy, so check out our Resources section for study tips, helpful articles, inspiration, and an occasional laugh. Taylor also led a schoolwide read aloud of Separate Is Never Equal, which documents aMexican and Puerto Rican familys fight for desegregation of schools in the 1940s. Feb. 15th, 2023 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at Port Chester Senior Center. The Port Chester Public School District is pleased to announce the opening of online registration for Kindergarten-aged students for the 2022-2023 school year. Your school email address was successfully verified. Be sure to include the first half stub of the bill. The loss of life, especially of those so young, is heartbreaking. Christopher Nivicela, un estudiante del quinto grado dijo que haba aprendido que los bomberos ofrecen su tiempo para proteger a la comunidad, y Emely Rosario otra estudiante del quinto grado dijo que aprendi a cmo estar segura y no ir hacia el fuego. From the four months that we looked at, they will be able to determinethat January is the coldest month of the year while July is the hottestmonth of the year, Vogel said. Tamucci dijo que sus estudiantes estaban motivados a aprender la codificacin avanzada para programar sus pginas de Internet de la forma ms parecida posible a la del diseo que haban imaginado. Tambin realizaron el espectculo final, Youve Got a Friend in Me-(Tienes un/a amigo/a en m) de Randy Newman. Seguimos comprometidos a mantener seguros a todos los estudiantes y al personal, ante todo. By scaffolding their lessons andproviding them with the necessary vocabulary, they can become successful readers and writers as the year progresses.. The Village of Port Chester has released a survey to collect opinions and data from the people who live, work, and play in our community as part of its Downtown Revitalization Initiative Grant process. Order at or scan the QR code below. Estamos pidiendo que los padres completen una encuesta para ayudarnos a planificar talleres interesantes y relevantes para ayudarnos a servir mejor a nuestros estudiantes y familias. All of these groups of students will then have the opportunity during the other half of the day to participate in enrichment/recreational activities through our additional partners, Wellcore and the Carver Center.All of our programs are designed to provide academic instruction and enrichment/recreation opportunities. Los estudiantes y el personal de la Escuela Primaria Park Avenue celebraron el Da de la Herencia Hispana, el 7 de octubre, al vestir ropa cultural tradicional y otras prendas para representar y honrar la cultura latina e hispana.Durante todo el mes, los maestros y los estudiantes han estado leyendo sobre las diversas contribuciones de los hispanoamericanos, as como leer literatura tanto en ingls como en espaol, dijo la directora, Rosa Taylor.Taylor tambin dirigi una lectura en voz alta en toda la escuela de Separados nunca son iguales, que documenta la lucha de una familia mexicana y puertorriquea por la eliminacin de la segregacin en las escuelas en la dcada de los 40. Durante el ao escolar, los estudiantes, durante sus clases de educacin fsica, practican tres veces a la semana y tras finalizar las clases escolares, compiten diferentes tipos de deportes contra otros equipos. Port Chester Schools has partnered with Westchester Community College to help encourage our students to explore the opportunities of a college education by removing the barriers of the college application process. Mysteries intrigue people and allow them the chance to work together to figure out which character is the thief., interactive theater activity served as a fundraiser for the. Por precaucin debido al pronstico del tiempo de esta noche, los estudiantes atletas del otoo sern reconocidos en la reunin de la Junta de Educativa en Enero. Los estudiantes del jardn de infancia de la escuela primaria John F. Kennedy, que han estado aprendiendo sobre las diferentes herramientas para hacer arte, usaron su conocimiento para dibujar un autobs escolar en la clase de la maestra Chrystal Chamber. Propio cohete espacial to draw using this approach, Chambers said school year commitment page! Del proceso, los estudiantes han estado muy emocionados de entregar sus sorpresas cada da school.. 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